C.E.R.T. Solutions

What is C.E.R.T.?

What is C.E.R.T.?

C.E.R.T. stands for Consulting, Education, Research, and Training. Through the new value chains we are creating and some of the outdated "best practices" that we are moving past, we are innovating a new course forward for local food. We share these insights and learnings as we grow the next version of the food industry and drive collective impact across sectors.

The Solutions


We provide tailored solutions to help organizations reduce and manage food waste effectively, operate mobile and pop-up markets, source locally, and more.


With a dearth of scientific research on food waste and its related issues, we are on a mission to add value to the existing literature to advance solutions in the field. We conduct independent research and also partner with higher education institutions to conduct rigorous studies across a variety of topics.


We often engage in educational activities such as brown bags, knowledge sharing, conferences, workshops, and more.  


We conduct trainings for a variety of stakeholders from corporate teams to procurement departments to farmer partners to policy makers on a variety of topics related to food ecosystems, value chains, food waste, and more.

Some Areas of Expertise

Topics We Often Engage On

Food Waste Solutions

We advise on strategies to minimize food waste which can reduce costs and promote sustainability at the same time.

Mobile & Pop-up Markets

We advise in designing and implementing flexible food sales locations, which can increase brand visibility, reach underserved areas, and test new markets with minimal investment.

Local Sourcing

We assist in developing a local procurement strategy that helps to secure fresh, seasonal ingredients, which can enhance food and nutrient quality, reduce environmental impact, and support local farmers and communities.

Values Based Procurement

We assist with how to prioritize sourcing food from ethical, sustainable, and local producers that align your supply chain with your core values and maximize sustainability.

Kitchen Operations

We assist with items such as seasonal recipe development, menu consultations, operations and kitchen assessment, and fresh food SOPs.

Retaaza & You

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